Monday, March 2, 2015

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

A love of learning is a trait most parents wish to instill in their children. How do we do that? How do we create a foundation that they can build on as they grow? Personally, I think it’s sharing just a little bit with your child everyday. All of the little moments spent reading a favorite story, dancing, singing, taking a walk around the neighborhood to listen the birds chirping, add up to a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning. To help us on our journey to be lifetime learners, we are using a pre-packaged monthly curriculum from

Each month the children go an adventure exploring a new theme while learning, shapes, colors, numbers, letters, sight words, etc….

This month our theme is, “BLAST OFF TO SPACE”. ” Children will pretend to be astronauts and fly off in a homemade rocket ship. They will count the stars, create constellations and explore rock and gaseous planets. Children will make their own stargazersas they play with light and look up into the sky during this incredible space adventure". – See more at:”

Today we started our adventure into space. I asked the children what are stars made of? Their answers – Rocks, sharp pokey things, the sun, light bulbs…. I explained stars are balls of gas which led to fits of giggles. Don’t say the word gas in a preschool classroom of mostly boys. We explored our "sky" with flashlights, went on a hunt for stars, and counted down from 5 with a star themed finger play.
 We will also be getting fit and working our muscles with the Dance 'n Beats add-on. The children learn 21 movements set to music that expands on our Blast off to Space theme. 

1 comment:

  1. Love your star wands, thanks for joining the link up!
